Saturday, 6 June 2015

MCAT preperation Guide Entrance exame (Chemistry portion)

Important Chemistry Topics for Punjab MCAT


Punjab MCAT has a total of 220 MCQs from the selected topics of Punjab Text Book Board Syllabus for FSc. Chemistry section has a total of 58 MCQs and some topics are given more weight-age in the MCAT as compared to the others. Although we recommend students to thoroughly prepare all topics listed in the Punjab MCAT syllabus, here are a few suggestions on the important Chemistry topics.

Chemistry section is further classified into three sub-sections.

  • Organic Chemistry – 30 MCQs
  • Physical Chemistry – 18 MCQs
  • Inorganic Chemistry – 10 MCQs
We shall discuss all three in the order of importance. 

Organic Chemistry:
Amongst the three chemistry sections, organic chemistry is given the highest weight-age in the Punjab MCAT with 30 out of total 58 chemistry MCQs. This means that organic chemistry alone represent more than 50% of the Punjab MCAT chemistry section. Our recommendation would be to prepare Organic chemistry first followed by physical chemistry and inorganic chemistry.
The most important Chemistry topics for Punjab MCAT are Macromolecules (6 MCQs), Amino acids (6 MCQs) and Alcohols & Phenols (3 MCQs). These three topics represent half of the organic chemistry section of Punjab MCAT. Spend good time on preparing these three chapters.
Other well represented topics are Aldehydes & Ketones (3 MCQs) and Carboxylic Acids (3 MCQs).
All these topics should also be time savers for you during the test. These MCQs do not require calculations and can be done pretty quickly. 

Physical Chemistry:
All topics of physical chemistry are given equal weightage in the Punjab MCAT with each topic having 2 MCQs. So it is difficult to make a choice between important and unimportant physical chemistry chapters.
Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding and Chemical Equilibrium tend to be most difficult and lengthy chapters in physical chemistry. 

Inorganic Chemistry:
Inorganic chemistry has a total of 10 MCQs with four MCQs on the following topics,

Manufacture of Ammonia by Haber process
Preparation of Nitric acid and nitrogenous fertilizers
Manufacture of Sulphuric acid by contact method
Presence of Suphur dioxide in the atmosphere which causes acid rain
Start preparing your inorganic section by these four topics. If you are hard pressed on time and must leave some topics for your MCAT preparation, you may leave rest of the Inorganic chemistry topics. However, the Punjab MCAT is very competitive and we do not recommend leaving any topic in your test preparation.
Inorganic chemistry section is also a time saver for you. You can answer these questions very quickly, giving you time for the MCQs that may require calculations i.e physics and physical chemistry.

 This is well written and most precise guide line for the preperation of Entry test in Pakistan to get admission in Engineering or medical. I hope guys trying for PIEAS BSc Fellowship or PIEAS MS Fellowship found this article helpful for them too. 
Good luck to all applicants of PIEAS BSc Fellowship, PIEAS MS Fellowship, Medical and Engineering. 

*Written By: Anzal Liaqat (King Edward Medical University Lahore)
 This article is taken from Students Welfare Association Mianwali (SWAMI), a facebook page.


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