UET Entrance Exam Tips and Guide
- The Entry Test has a total of 100 MCQs divided into four portions. There are (+4) marks for correct answer and (-1) mark for wrong answer and zero (0) mark for each blank answer. Maximum marks as such are 400.
- Time allowed is 100 Mints
- Three compulsory portions are of 70 Questions are:
- Mathematics (30 MCQs)
- Physics (30 MCQs)
- English (10 MCQs)
- The candidate will choose either Chemistry or Statistics or Computer Science for the remaining 30 MCQs. Kindly note that Chemistry is compulsory for candidates with Pre-Engineering or DAE backgrounds. The students of ICS will choose Computer Science. The students of ICOM will choose Statistics
- There are four versions of the Entry Test. The numbering of each paper id different from other. (means cheating is NOT possible)
- Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science and Statistics questions have been set from the syllabus of F.Sc (Intermediate). Efforts have been made to set the questions from those topics of F.Sc (Intermediate) that are common to 'A' level British System syllabus.
- The 10 questions of English portion have 5 questions of English comprehension and 5 questions of Synonyms. In English comprehension, the candidates are given a paragraph to read and answer related questions. (This is an easy portion)
The purpose of the Entry Test is to check the competency/skill level attained by the candidates during the Intermediate level studies.
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